Food &amp; Agriculture Content / Food &amp; Agriculture Content for 69 en The Promise of Alternative Proteins /food/news/the-promise-of-alternative-proteins 69 food scientists are studying how to make beef using cow stem cells. September 09, 2024 - 3:28pm Jocelyn C Anderson /food/news/the-promise-of-alternative-proteins Campus Serves Up Award-Winning Response to Cook Shortage /news/campus-serves-award-winning-response-cook-shortage <p><span>Roger Thompson clapped his hands together. “You’ve got two hours to open. Let’s get to it.”</span></p><p><span>“Yes, Chef!” Andrea Rivera replied. She turned to a class visitor and whispered: “That’s so they know we heard them, and it’s fun too.”</span></p><p><span>And with that, Rivera and five other food service workers left their classroom space at dining tables in Latitude and headed toward the dining facility’s kitchen on their way to becoming cooks at 69.</span></p> August 27, 2024 - 8:00am Julia Ann Easley /news/campus-serves-award-winning-response-cook-shortage Using Waste Heat to Decarbonize Food Processing /climate/news/decarbonizing-food-processing 69 scientists are working to extract wasted heat from appliances and industrial emissions to help decarbonize food processing systems. June 12, 2024 - 1:46pm Malia Reiss /climate/news/decarbonizing-food-processing Lynda and Stewart Resnick Center for Agricultural Innovation Groundbreaking /news/lynda-and-stewart-resnick-center-agricultural-innovation-groundbreaking Construction officially began on the Lynda and Stewart Resnick Center for Agricultural Innovation Wednesday with a groundbreaking event at the University of California, Davis. May 31, 2024 - 2:29pm Emily C Dooley /news/lynda-and-stewart-resnick-center-agricultural-innovation-groundbreaking A Drying Salton Sea Pollutes Neighboring Communities /climate/news/drying-salton-sea-pollutes-neighboring-communities Dust particles from the Salton Sea’s exposed lakebed increased air pollution in local communities, found a 69 study. The pollution coincides with reduced flows into the lake. May 29, 2024 - 12:00pm Emily C Dooley /climate/news/drying-salton-sea-pollutes-neighboring-communities Diversity Blooms Within The Queer Flower Bed /climate/news/diversity-blooms-within-queer-flower-garden <p dir="ltr"><span>Lavender reaches toward the sky. Carnations and pansies wave slightly in the breeze. Roses swell with the sun.</span></p><p dir="ltr"><span>Diversity blooms within The Queer Bed, a floral testament to beauty, love, and empowerment within the queer community.&nbsp;</span></p> May 28, 2024 - 3:48pm Malia Reiss /climate/news/diversity-blooms-within-queer-flower-garden 69 Ends Strawberry Licensing Agreements With Eurosemillas /news/uc-davis-ends-strawberry-licensing-agreements-eurosemillas <p><span>The University of California, Davis, a leader in the development of world-class strawberry varieties for the California and global markets, is terminating all strawberry licensing agreements with Eurosemillas S.A., which has been a master licensee for older 69 strawberry varieties in countries outside of the United States.&nbsp;</span></p> May 21, 2024 - 9:00am Bill Kisliuk /news/uc-davis-ends-strawberry-licensing-agreements-eurosemillas Fighting Climate Change with Bee-utiful Pollinator Gardens /climate/news/fighting-climate-change-bee-utiful-pollinator-gardens <p dir="ltr"><span>From daisies and lavender to sunflowers and orange blossoms, flower gardens not only result in beautiful table centerpieces, bragging rights and a joyful hobby. They can also be hugely beneficial to local pollinators and, by close extension, food security and biodiversity.</span></p> May 09, 2024 - 1:44pm Malia Reiss /climate/news/fighting-climate-change-bee-utiful-pollinator-gardens A Winemaking Byproduct Can Reduce Dairy Cattle Emissions /climate/news/grape-seeds-stems-and-skins-feed-can-reduce-dairy-cattle-emissions 69 researchers are feeding grape pomace, a byproduct of winemaking, to dairy cattle to reduce methane emissions. April 29, 2024 - 3:11pm Malia Reiss /climate/news/grape-seeds-stems-and-skins-feed-can-reduce-dairy-cattle-emissions Big Data Comes to Dinner /food/news/big-data-comes-to-dinner Learn how 69 leverages artificial intelligence to transform food and agriculture, ensuring sustainability and health from seeds to stomachs. April 29, 2024 - 9:01am Jocelyn C Anderson /food/news/big-data-comes-to-dinner