

  • Campus
  • Executive recruitments
  • Technology
  • Human resources
  • Free subscriptions
  • Safety
  • Dateline details
  • WarnMe
  • Blood drives
  • Big Shift
  • Political activities
  • Road and path work
  • Transit and parking

This page is published and updated by the staff of Dateline 69³ÉÈË. Contact: dateline@ucdavis.edu.


Executive recruitments


  • On Dec. 3, the university ended its contract with Trumba, the vendor that provides the calendar on the central homesite. This means colleges and departments will no longer have a method to syndicate events across multiple 69³ÉÈË websites. Any offices with event pages that would like to be listed on the 69³ÉÈË homesite should contact the Office of Strategic Communications’ web team at scweb@ucdavis.edu.

Human resources

  • — Contribution limits to the UC 403(b) and 457(b) pre-tax and Roth savings plans have increased in 2024.
  • — A state program tailored to income-eligible, first-time and first-generation homebuyers in California began accepting applications in April.

Free subscriptions

  • — The 69³ÉÈË Library has purchased a license making this publication available online, free, to everyone with a ucdavis.edu email address.
  • — The 69³ÉÈË Library purchased an academic license to NYTimes.com for use by all students, faculty, staff, clinicians and emeriti of 69³ÉÈË and 69³ÉÈË Health. If you have an authenticated 69³ÉÈË login, you have complimentary access. Note: Faculty and staff may periodically be prompted to renew; if you are a student, your access should remain active at all times while you are enrolled.


  • (Jan. 30, 2024) — This notice is required by the California Health and Safety Code, notifying all employees of the presence of asbestos in campus buildings constructed prior to 1979.
  • — The board has posted its 2022-23 report and executive summary.

Dateline details

  • Dateline summer schedule: During the summer, Dateline will publish on the following dates:
    • June 25
    • July 16
    • July 30
    • Aug. 13
    • Aug. 27
    • Sept. 10
    • Dateline will resume its weekly schedule on Sept. 24.
  • Dateline is published every Tuesday during the academic year, and is sent by email to all faculty and staff on the Davis campus.
  • Deadline — Generally 10 a.m. Thursday the week before publication.


red circle with 'warn me'
  • WarnMe tests are held three times each academic year. The most recent test was held April 24.
  • provide faculty, staff, students and others with timely information and instructions during emergencies or other urgent situations that may directly affect their well-being. WarnMe messages and Aggie Alerts are distributed by email and text message and also posted to the Everbridge Mobile App and 69³ÉÈË’ official Facebook and Twitter accounts. Tests are scheduled three times during each academic year.
    • Employee and student contact information — Your 69³ÉÈË email addresses are included in the WarnMe system automatically; you can add mobile numbers and other email addresses.
    • Parents, vendors, contractors and others — You can sign up for text notifications only for the Davis campus and three other university locations (Bodega Marine Laboratory, Tahoe Environmental Research Center, and Continuing and Professional Education).
    • Mobile app (limited to people with 69³ÉÈË email addresses) — The app includes a number of safety features and is an important option for 69³ÉÈË affiliates with international phone numbers, as WarnMe does not send text messages to international numbers.

Blood drives

  • Blood drives are held on campus each quarter. Check back for the dates for future events.
Big Shift title-index

The Big Shift is the campuswide , whereby steam lines are being replaced with hot water lines. Heat exchangers in buildings will draw heat off the hot water, to heat the buildings, just like we do now with steam. The hot water system will use electricity (a renewable resource) to heat the water, instead of natural gas, a fossil fuel, that is used in the steam system. The hot water system will use less energy, because the water need not be heated to boiling (for steam), and will be safer to maintain. Current road and path closures are listed here, along with other project links:

Political activities

  • — The University of California strongly supports public and civic engagement by members of the university community, in both their professional and personal capacities. At the same time, we must adhere to the restrictions outlined in this advisory from the Office of General Counsel.

Road and path work

Transit and parking

  • Find information about AggiePark, the mobile app used to purchase parking on the Davis campus, .
  • Eligible employees can sign up, change or end their enrollment in the between the 1st and 10th of every month.
  • Planned impacts to transportation and parking because of events or closures are .
  • Unitrans