
Car β€˜Cited’ With Fake Ticket

69³ΙΘΛ police are warning of a parking ticket scam on campus.

fake parking ticket uc davis
This notice was found on a car in The Pavilion Parking Structure. (Transportation Services)

A driver returned to their car in The Pavilion Parking Structure on Monday (July 13) and found a notice claiming to be a parking citation. It listed a website that, when visited, prompted users to pay $85 via PayPal to clear their infraction.

β€œNobody except 69³ΙΘΛ Transportation Services or the 69³ΙΘΛ Police Department has authority to issue parking citation on 69³ΙΘΛ property,” the police said in a crime alert this week. β€œ69³ΙΘΛ does not process payment for any fees or services via PayPal.”

As of today (July 16), the fraudulent website, which claimed to be β€œan independent parking enforcement organization based around 69³ΙΘΛ,” was no longer functioning.

Anyone who has received a fraudulent citation or paid money to the phony website is asked to call 69³ΙΘΛ police, 530-752-1727.

Parking permits are currently not required to park on campus, although compliance with restricted spaces (bus loading areas and fire lanes, as well as spaces reserve for disabled people) is still being enforced.


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