
Student Newspaper Returns to Print

Man reading The California Aggie
Photo: Karin Higgins/69³ΙΘΛ

A 69³ΙΘΛ tradition returned to campus this fall β€” print editions of The California Aggie.

The independent student newspaper resumed weekly printing after 2Β½ years of online-only editions, thanks to an $11.19 per-student annual fee passed by undergraduates last year.

The fee will provide $230,000 in annual operational funding β€” enough to enable The Aggie to print 30 issues this year, pay some of its staffers and hire a full-time professional business manager.

β€œI personally cannot wait to see students working on the crossword in the CoHo or reading The Aggie out on the Quad on a sunny day,” editor Scott Dresser wrote in the first back-to-print issue on Thursday, Sept. 22. β€œCheers to print journalism!”

One of the oldest student newspapers in the state, The Aggie during its heyday published five days a week, covering its print and online operating costs with about $500,000 in annual advertising revenue. But that revenue stream evaporated as more advertisers moved to the less-costly internet, and the paper ceased printing in March 2014.

Last winter, Dresser and other Aggie editors and managers asked student voters to add $3.73 a quarter to their fees for five years to bring the print paper back.

The β€œPrint the Aggie” initiative was the second attempt in three years to pass a fee to support the paper. A similar measure in winter 2014 received the needed majority of those voting, but failed because of lower-than-required voter turnout.

To get out the vote this time, Dresser and his staff campaigned hard β€” setting up tables on the Quad, speaking to classes and clubs, and meeting with students. They also printed a 100th anniversary issue.

The measure passed, squeaking past the required 60 percent with 61.53 percent voting yes and surpassing the 20 percent voter requirement with 21.68 percent.

β€œThere are so few times you have the opportunity to create tangible, lasting impact on a community,” said Dresser, a senior double-majoring in political science and economics. β€œIt’s probably the hardest thing I’ve ever doneβ€”and the most rewarding.”

Sofia Molodanof, a third-year English major and an Associated Students of 69³ΙΘΛ senator, had never seen The Aggie in print before this year but welcomed its return.

β€œThe paper is a great way to let students take a break from their schoolwork, and also their phones and laptops, which we are normally glued to all day,” Molodanof said. β€œI believe going back into print will have a positive effect on the campus.”


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